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Healing Service

You are invited to our Healing service, hosted every first and third Saturday of each month. You are welcome to invite your family and friends.   


Healing service at LightSource Foundation Church consists of God’s Divine Holy energy to elevate each soul that comes with an open heart and open mind. We invite you to experience the warmth and love that Rev. Patty Lekawa is inspired by Holy Spirit to speak on. Each service is unique and covers a multitude of topics depending on Prime Creator’s inspiration for that evening.


We hope each and every one of you will feel the High level of healing energy, either through the inspirational message, the healing music or the message work given out at the end of the night.


Everyone feels energy differently, depending on where you are at in your spiritual evolution. Some may feel the need to cry, some may feel joyful or sad. God works in all forms and all aspects, mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually and/or financially.


Our Healing service forum includes opening prayer, healing talk, guided meditation, inspirational music and a closing prayer. This concludes the end of our Healing service.


Upon conclusion of the Healing service and the closing of the Healing energy, we thank you for joining us. For those who remain, a short break is given and then we resume with Spiritual messages from departed loved ones.


During the Message Service, ministers and students of Rev. Patty Lekawa offer and demonstrate Spirit Communication by giving messages from spirit, your loved ones or your guides and angels.


We make every attempt to bring messages to as many of the attendees as possible, but we cannot guarantee all in attendance will receive a message.


For over 22 years, this foundation has solely operated as a true voluntary organization.  There is no financial compensation for any ministers or volunteers.  


LightSource gratefully accepts a suggested donation of $10 to help with the church’s maintenance, operations and expenses as we greatly appreciation your donation.


Those who are unable to make a donation at this time are still encourage to join us.  


(Note: There is no service on a fifth Saturday)


If you are feeling ill, running a temperature or under the influence, please join us when you are of better health. We must consider all of the congregation and protect the energy for the evening. 

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